“What I am Truly Grateful For”

November 22, 2020 - Being Grateful and Giving thanks 

Oh, what a year it has been…I am so glad that the 2020 Thanksgiving Season is here, as it provides a needed opportunity to change our focus for a few minutes.  We have been so intense working to maintain what we have and build what we want for our future.  Thanksgiving gives us the chance to pause, to reflect, and to be grateful for what we have right now.

Thanksgiving gives me the opportunity to say a great big thank you to you - my Women in Tourism and Hospitality team - for what you have given to me.

W.I.T.H. Advisors - Thank you for helping me explore my interests, shift my focus and develop plans to achieve new WITH goals. Your knowledge, expertise and candor make me a better leader and make WITH a more successful organization.

W.I.T.H. Sponsors - Thank you for your financial commitment to our shared vision. Your participation is the win-win that makes our vision come to life.

W.I.T.H. Unity Partners - Thanks to each one of you - from executives to entrepreneurs to young professionals to students. You membership proves your “buy in” to our common vision and your participation proves your reliable commitment to taking W.I.T.H. to the next level.

W.I.T.H. Supporters - Thank you for your encouraging participation. You mean so much to me and especially this year when things have not been so easy. You have embraced us as we “zoom” to learn new lessons and new ways to safely connect and share with each other. You are what makes our new virtual world a successful reality.

W.I.T.H. Team - Thank you for working together as we prepare for the W.I.T.H. 2021 conference, March 18-19, 2021 at the Four Points by Sheraton San Diego. I’m so excited to work with you to develop our vision and complete the tasks required for our first-ever hybrid meeting. Thank you for all your hard work. Thank you for sharing your expertise, passion, dedication, friendliness, and genuine commitment with me and each other. It means so much to know I can trust and rely on you to contribute your best to achieving our common objective. You compliment each other and are great ambassadors for the W.I.T.H. brand. I know our conference will be a resounding hit.

Thank you all!  Thank you for sharing your concerns and connections, and generously giving your time, talent and treasure so that we can work through our challenges and shape our future together.

And thank you for helping us keep safe.  This time in our lives calls for embracing new and somewhat uncomfortable behaviors, relying on others, and making clarity out of unclear and sometimes inconsistent information.  My advice for getting through it?  Just do it!  Wear your mask, keep your distance, wash your hands, buy a smaller turkey, and postpone your large in-person family celebration (zoom it).  The more we all do it, the sooner we will all get through it and on our way to our bright post-pandemic future.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I will be counting my blessings with a very small in-person gathering, and a larger family gathering via Zoom.  Although our celebrations may be smaller due to COVID-19, my wish for you is still the same.  I hope you enjoy a safe and peaceful holiday. 

Warmest regards,

Clara Carter

President and Founder, the Multi-Cultural Convention Services Network and Women in Tourism and Hospitality

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