W.I.T.H. Advisors Share Their Insights and Chat with the Experts

June 20, 2020 - “Where Do We Go From Here?” Our experts say we transform San Diego into America’s Finest “and Safest” City.
In the spring and summer 2020, as California COVID-19 cases continued to rise and set new records, California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered a statewide “shelter-in- place” and issued severe gathering restrictions that totally disrupted our industry. WITH responded by hosting FOUR (4) highly successful chat sessions on zoom that answered the question “Where do we go from here”?

The sessions were designed to keep WITH 2020 Conference registrants and WITH Unity partners connected to our advisors and each other. They also were meant to provide updates about the actions WITH’s advisors were taking working with government agencies, and top industry insiders to navigate the restrictions and lockdowns and emerge with San Diego and California’s tourism and hospitality industry more resilient, stronger, and more attractive than ever.

WITH Honorees and Hospitality and Tourism Industry Experts led and participated in the four (4) sessions. The host was Clara Carter, Meeting Professional, CEO, and Founder of MCCSN and WITH, joined by Co-host, Carolyn Johnson, Goodman Johnson Associates, and WITH Advisor. The Experts included:   
     - Marilyn Hannes, Park President, Sea World & Aquatica San Diego and WITH Honoree
Robert (Bob) Rauch, CEO RAR Hospitality, ‘Hotel Guru’ and WITH “Good Guy” Awardee

Where are we now?
o  California COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations reach new high
o  Governor Newsome okays some San Diego businesses to open (including outside dining at restaurants), issues new
      guidelines, and requires risk assessment to reduce COVID-19 spread.
o  Governor advises caution and orders everyone to be smart, wear face coverings, and have physical distance.
o  San Diego County businesses struggle, spending money making massive changes to survive.
       o MCCSN postpones all events and Conference to 2021
      o RAR sold the management company just before COVID-19 on March 9, 2020
             o Future plans on hold.  Currently running hotels due to sickness of GM and training an Assistant GM
            o Furlough all line employees for 3 months but continued employee insurance

o Closed since mid-March, an unprecedented situation in 56 years
o Plans to open New attraction water park on hold
o All taking advantage of SBA government programs and COVID assistance programs

o Experts taking actions to protect staff
o Keeping in touch with furloughed employees
o Providing updated  information about status and actions being taken
o Identifying tools and resources to take care of employees
o Re-purposing remaining staff where possible, doing projects around the property and attending customer
service training

  o Experts taking actions to lead recovery
o MCCSN and RAR posting Blog content on economic impact
Sea World
o Presented a plan for safely re-opening post COVID to the San Diego County Department of Health in conjunction
with the San Diego Attractions Coalition
o Working with CAPA to submit a COVID safety re-opening plan to Go Biz and the Governor’s Office
o Very proud of work with the San Diego Tourism community and the San Diego Attractions Coalition

How can we be resilient during these challenging times?

Personal Strategies:

o  Adjust your attitude. Keep going. It will get better.
o Make a positive calm response to interruptions like unstable internet due to large increase in use.
o Create ways to enjoy your home and family.
o Keep your routine as much as possible.
o Exercise and eat well.
o Schedule in “do nothing” time.

Professional Strategies
o Communicate often and regularly with clients, customers, partners, and cohorts to share concerns and stories
about their trials, triumphs, economic health, and safety.
o Keep up to date on impact of COVID on our country, state, city, community, industry and loved ones.
o Respond quickly to questions from clients – even if there are no concrete answers right now.
o Learn new skills.
o  Explore options for financial management.
o  Reduce debt ASAP!
o  Locate new funding sources for fixed expenses and investing in safety protocols.
o  Assess current activities.
o  Respond to requests from clients and customers for rent relief.
o  Explore new ways of providing services and using existing assets.
o  Providing information regarding economic health and safety of the industry, and impact of the social justice movement   
o  Increasing use of digital marketing and sales
o  Advising meeting planners how they can reduce event size and requirements

Sea World
o  Focus on animal care and rescue and rehabilitation
o  Everyone learning new tasks – creating new bonds
o  Implementing flexible work schedules more part time employees
o  Establishing different refund and rebooking policies

What will our industry and our company look like in the future after COVID-19?

Our industry “new normal"
o No going back to tables of 10 in a crowded ballroom celebrating or listening to keynote speaker. 
o New guidelines and mandates for “duty of care” at events
o Changing operations: ½ events live and ½ events virtual
o Different sourcing standards for meeting sanitation measures, housekeeping protocols and menus
o Event technology skills will be in demand
o  Some post-COVID changes are likely to stay in place such as acrylic barriers for cashiers
o  Feeling safe is our clients’ top priority

Our company reopening

o Working to obtain hotel venue for 2021 WITH Conference
o Developing negotiation position and criteria for WITH 2021 Convention - facility contract to include,
evaluation of facility’s COVID safety and sanitation protocols and generous contract terms
o  Evaluating adaptability of my skill-set for use in other industries/sectors
o Flattening organization
o  Re-organizing staff duties and training
o  Empowering associates
o Negotiating new terms for follow up contracts with associates

Our industry's future: 
Sea World
o  This is a complete re-set of the travel industry and the live entertainment and sports industries.  It will take time to recover.
o Expect strong drive markets once we open.   Advertising focus for Sea World, San Diego and California is the drive
market for the rest of the year. 50 % of travel will come from within California.
o  International markets will take longer to recover until travel restrictions and concerns ease.

o Challenge will persist in 2021 with occupancy and ADR down.
o Guests perceive cleanliness and sanitation as even more important than price.
o Flattening organization, empowering employees, reorganizing staff duties and training.
o Marketing and sales efforts from a new, digital perspective, this includes closing sales via Zoom since clients won't visit
the hotel.
o Expect a plunge in occupancy levels from 80% to the 55-60% range, expect ADR to plummet from $170s to $120s.
o Expect leisure versus business travel.
o  Setting up COVID protocols with emphasis on cleanliness and sanitation. 
o Contactless check-in using Cvent software to reconfigure rooms.

Sea World
o Optimistic about Halloween and Christmas and future projects such as the Emperor rollercoaster.
o Unsure of the re-opening date due to changing COVID news and lack of theme park guidance.
o COVID operational safety, including ambassador and guest temperature screening, acrylic barriers for cashier stations
and other key locations
o Physical distancing markers and signage of plentiful hand sanitizer locations.
o Changes for traffic flow.
o Enhanced cleaning procedures.
o Changes for food service styles no self-serve.
o Rearranging seating or removing seating/tables to provide physical distancing between parties.
o Planning Big Welcome Back event upon reopening.
o Requiring reservations to help manage capacity.
o Setting up park to operate at less than 50% of current capacity.
o Evaluating operating calendar options – it may be different for the foreseeable future.
o Marketing San Diego as “America’s cleanest city”.
o Increased Partnerships - Charitable tickets, teacher tickets, travel agents, corporate sponsors, and hotels.

Words of wisdom from the experts:
- “Our future is what we make it - We must be resolved, optimistic, and make investments in safety and cleanliness protocols that will position us for our new future”.

Clara Carter