W.I.T.H. Program Buzz - Happy MLK Day!


Today, we celebrate a national holiday of service honoring Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK Day).  This holiday happened because of all of us. Our dedication, our commitment, and our shared dream of a new day with economic and social justice for all of us.  In just one generation we had begun to make huge progress.  We began to move from an industry whose leadership was almost exclusively “male and clubby” to one that hears each of us, looks like all of us, and recognizes the value in every one of us.

And then...... in just one month the Coronavirus pandemic backed it all up, devastated our industry, distanced us from each other,  drove us inside our homes, and threatened to keep us there!!

We CANNOT let this virus derail our progress.  We CAN learn from our experience and emerge from these pandemic restrictions with a clearer vision and a stronger determination to do more and  have more: 

  • More space for inclusion and diversity;

  • More technical savvy and confidence;

  • More ability to cope with an amount of uncertainty;

  • More social justice built on the words spoken by more voices;

  • More willingness to listen to those voices with a sense of urgency;

  • More social equity;

  • More win-win business partnerships and investments in women;

  • More workplaces that acknowledge and address the continuing gaps in gender, ethnic, wage, and family support; 

  • More clear eyes to see our corporate reality for what it is; and

  • More ability to quickly foresee potential future directions and make a nimble pivot.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says it will take at least six more months to emerge from this time of crisis, tragedy, confusion, and strife.   These next six months also offer opportunities for transformation.  We must take advantage of this window of opportunity.  The question is how? The answer is we already know-how.  We make the best use of the tools available to us.

That’s why we are continuing to hold our 2021 WITH Conference March 18-19 2021.  We are planning a hybrid conference with live and virtual elements.   Although the live portion of our conference is subject to adjustment as conditions warrant (pending state approval), the virtual conference is full steam ahead. 

We don’t know the future but we can tell you what will be required to meet it. We ALL need to be vaccinated. We need a vaccine that will create the antibodies we need to come out of our homes stronger and smarter.  Come WITH US and receive your WITH shot of motivation, inspiration, and education.  Click here https://www.sdwithit.com/2021pricing to learn more about the conference, group discounts, and register today. 

As always, remain safe and well.


Clara Carter