W.I.T.H. Resources & Relationships: Women Making History For Over 400 Years……. And For Our Future!

Like all American history, women’s history is filled with dichotomy and competing interests.  But, women have always persevered and always used determination, ingenuity, and collaborative diversity to “keep it moving forward” for everyone.  We have a lot to thank them for. 

We can thank Asian women, Black women, Native American women, Hispanic and White women leaders when we enjoy the benefits of emancipation,  equal rights, and voting rights. 

We can thank women business owners when we celebrate independence, eat stir fry, drive a hybrid car, or check out our stock portfolios.  We can thank them when we wear blue jeans and “little black dresses”, when we enjoy “free giveaways” and when we celebrate our “fascinating beauty” provided by Madame C.J. Walker (America’s first female millionaire). These  Women Business Owners and their 300 years of accomplishments have changed the world. And now, in the 21st century, we can thank women for leading the fight for the “new rights” including child care and equal opportunities in education, employment, and business complemented by flexible work arrangements and public policy to support family-work balance.

Granted, the overall number of women in top business roles is still painfully low but there are reasons for optimism.  Let's celebrate some WINS for women in tourism and hospitality.

  The Castell Project’s 2020 report shows.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 

  • The number of female CEOS increased by 20% in the STR Directory of Hotel & Lodging Companies from 2018 to 2019.⠀

  • One in five presenters at hotel investment conferences was a woman in 2019, up from one in eight in 2016.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  • Overall, the attributes that correlate with success among male executives were found more often in female executives. This finding refutes the commonly held belief in “token” female executives.  ⠀⠀

A major WIN for San Diego is the new San Diego Tourism Authority’s  PRESIDENT & CEO Julie Coker. Julie says she sees her role as “ creating economic impact for the region through job creation, tax generation, and increased visitation. It is never lost on me there are 200,000 jobs that depend on the work we do. We put people to work—dishwashers, housekeepers, bellmen, Uber drivers. We help hospitality and tourism workers earn a livable wage so they can support their families, put kids through college, and that responsibility often keeps me up a night. We must get it right because the community is counting on us.” 

WITH agrees with Julie’s hopefulness about the future of tourism in San Diego.  Julie saysThe freedom to travel and explore new cultures is alive and well. It may be stalled right now, but it’s there inside of all of us. Travel experiences make us better human beings. Our doors are reopening, and soon we’ll roll out our welcome mat and invite visitors back to our great destination. As we did before, we’ll have something for everyone—our neighborhoods, our beaches, our arts and culture community, our attractions, and our great restaurants, but most importantly our welcoming spirit will draw visitors back to San Diego.” 

What’s the bottom line?   WITH believes the world of tomorrow will rely on the qualities demonstrated by women leaders in the past.  Qualities such as determination, attention to detail, and measured thinking will be invaluable for the long-term strategic vision and community building.   We have those qualities and we can build the skills we need to succeed in this dynamic period of constant change. 

We have come a long way and we are just getting on our way.  We have a lot of work to do to achieve executive positions, remove disproportionate pay, and earn more seats at the table in the room where “it” happens. 

We honor these women and build on their legacy when we do this work together.   Together we (WITH partners, WITH associates, and YOU) can do it!

  • We can ensure there are sufficient rungs on the ladder to help women climb into management positions.

  • We can be open-minded enough to bring in female leaders from other industries, who don’t have a hospitality background.

  • We can work closely with schools and universities to win the future for women in our industry.

  • We can leverage the role technology will play – responsibly – in promoting diversity in the workplace, given its ability to change working relationships, encourage transparency and connect people around the world.

  • We can demand that every organization we connect with prioritize a diverse and inclusive culture so that we all will be better placed to solve the problems we will surely face in the future.

We can all learn and grow at the WITH 2021 National Conference September 23-24, 2021.  Julie Coker will be one of our keynote speakers who will provide valuable information and inspiration you can use.   Click here to learn more about the conference.

So, as we celebrate our history and prepare for our future let’s always remember that we are in this together and together we make the world we want to see.

Warmest regards,


Be safe. Vaccinate when it’s your turn, wash your hands, wear your mask, watch your distance, work on your reopening.  Soon we will meet face to face.     

Clara Carter